Who Knew Insurance Could Be So Dramatic?

Warrington College of Business after a hurricane in Florida

Who knew insurance – customarily a mundane necessity of everyday life — could be so dramatic when it comes to Florida real estate deals? Little wonder every major participant and influencer in the business — from regulators and politicians to insurers, lawyers and policyholders — continue shouting two words Floridians are practically conditioned to hear every few seasons: insurance crisis. 

Despite the ever-present danger of hurricanes in the Sunshine State, this latest “crisis” appears more to do with many other factors — plus perhaps the unintended consequences of past government actions and its regulatory framework — to make Florida’s market ever-more brittle, according to many long-time participants and experts of the Florida home-insurance business. 

Read more here about what makes Florida the costliest and arguably most troubled residential property insurance market in the United States and what you need to know to navigate it.

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